28 June: fyi -- research, Potsdam
Index of June 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index
Rank of Job: Researcher
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics, Robust Text Analysis,
Linguistic Databases
The Computational Linguistics Group within the Linguistics Dept. at
Potsdam University offers 3 half-time positions in two different
projects, with different durations. Payment is according to the German
BAT IIa-O (1/2) scale. Please apply only by email to
1: Robust Text Analysis (1 position)
In a project (partners: FU Berlin Dept. of Computer Science, Humboldt
University Medical School Carite) sponsored by Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft, diagnostic reports in pathalogy are to be
converted to formal content representations using Semantic Web
technology. The resulting representations are to be used, e.g., for
case retrieval. The task to be carried out at Potsdam is robust
parsing of the reports into semantic representations, and providing
interfaces to other modules. Candidates should have experience in
statistical or symbolic (ideally, both) robust analysis. Some
knowledge of German is necessary. This position is for two years,
beginning September 1.
2: Linguistic Databases (2 positions)
In a project within the new Sonderforschungsbereich
''Informationsstruktur'', a web-based linguistic database is to be
designed and implemented, which serves as the central repository for
data collected and annoted by various projects of the SFB. Annotation
will often be on multiple layers (e.g., syntax, information
structure), and a query language shall allow for retrieval across
these layers. One position is more technically-oriented: setting up
and maintaining the database; designing and implementing the retrieval
language. The other position is oriented toward content: communication
with the data-providing projects, devising annotation schemes,
integrating a corpus of newspaper commentaries into the DB as a first
case study.
Address for Applications:
Attn: Manfred Stede
Please apply by email to:
Applications are due by 30-Jun-2003
Contact Information:
Manfred Stede
Email: stede@ling.uni-potsdam.de
Tel: x49 331 9772691
Website: http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de
Index of June 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index