28 June: fyi -- phd funding, Manchester

Index of June 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index


Start date: 1 September 2003

Applications are invited for a full time 3-Year PhD studentship (AHRB
equivalent) for work in the field of 'linguistic areas', as part of an
AHRB-funded research project on 'Convergence and Linguistic Areas'
co-ordinated by Dr Yaron Matras in the Department of Linguistics at
the University of Manchester.

The successful candidate will have outstanding results in an
M.A. degree, an interest in, and at appropriate level, expertise in
the fields of language contact, linguistic typology, historical
linguistics, and bilingualism. References from previous institutes of
higher education are essential. He/she must also meet the AHRB
conditions on eligibility for a PhD studentship: residence in the UK
during the past three years (not including periods of study). Special
terms apply to refugees and EU nationals.

Futher particulars and application forms can be obtained together with
guidelines on eligibility from Ms Krys Chandler, The Institute for
Research in Arts, Humanities and the Environment (IRAHE), Faculty of
Arts, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13
9PL. Email: Krys.chandler@man.ac.uk

Informal enquiries can be directed to the Project Coordinator Dr Yaron
Matras, y.matras@man.ac.uk phone: (44)(0) 161 275 3975

Deadline for applications is 18th July 2003. Interviews are expected
to take place in the week beginning 28th July 2003.

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Manchester offers a
supportive, internationally oriented research environment. Information
about the department can be found on http://ling.man.ac.uk

Index of June 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index