8 June: fyi -- phd funding, NL

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Upon the transition from the Middle-Ages to the Modern Period, the
Middle-Dutch dialects underwent many systematic changes, for instance
in their pronominal systems. They did so, in interaction with the
upcoming Standard of the Dutch Republic. One aspect was the rise of a
separate reflexive pronoun 'sick' or 'sich' (=himself), where
virtually all Middle-Dutch dialects used the prononinal forms 'hem'
(him) or 'haer' (her) in reflexive use. Modern Dutch has the German
loan 'zich'. Is this change a result of prestige of the German forms,
or is it a consequence of massive immigration from the eastern areas,
or did ongoing structural changes necessitate a separate reflexive
form? Using existing and new corpora to be constructed, the
PhD-researcher will study the underlying causes using formal and
statistical methods. (more information:


Master's degree in Formal Linguistics with Dutch as mother-tongue, or
Master's degree in Germanic Linguistics with provable knowledge of
Dutch and/or diachronic linguistics and/or dialectology. Acquaintance
with Generative Grammar is an asset.

Employment will be for a period of 3.5 years with a possible extention
of 0.5 year for teaching, and should result in a PhD-dissertation.

Address for Applications:

Attn: A. Graat
Postbus 9103
Nijmegen, 6500 HD

Applications are due by 30-Jun-2003

Contact Information:
dr Gertjan Postma
Email: gertjan.postma@let.kun.nl
Tel: +31-24-3611039
Website: http://www.let.kun.nl/onderzoek/cls.htm

Index of June 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index