15 July: fyi -- cognitive science, Barcelona
Index of July 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index
Cognitive Science and Language (http://www.ub.es/ccil/en), a Doctorate
Program jointly offered by the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, la
Universitat de Barcelona, la Universitat Pompeu Fabra and la
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, is one of the programs constituting the
International Graduate School of Catalonia (IGSOC,
http://www.igsoc.net). The program has also received the Mención de
Calidad (Quality Distinction) from the Ministry of Education (MECD,
www.univ.mecd.es/univ/jsp/plantilla.jsp?id=1102 ). The program has
trained students for research in philosophy, linguistics and
psychology since 1988. An important aspect of this program is that
aside from training the student in one of these disciplines, there
isnt a loss of interdisciplinary interest with the others.
The IGSOC is now offering international students an opportunity to two
grants, each providing the student with 825 Euros per month for the
academic year 2003-2004, which can be renewed for up to three more
academic years. Students accepted to the program from other
universities will also receive support from the mobility grants
offered by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, for about
4.000 (yearly) (see the Ministry regulation of 18/11/2002, anexo B,
B.2.1, in the above mentioned web page). Students of any nationality
may apply to the Spanish Ministry for Education for a graduate
grant. In addition, European students may join the opportunity to
apply for graduate grants offered by the Spanish Ministry of Science
and Technology and the Catalan Governments DURSI. Combining the
success of this program with continued support of the IGSOC the
probability of obtaining a scholarship or grant is greatly increased.
Address for Applications:
Attn: Eva Aguila
Vall d'Hebron 171 08035
Barcelona 08035
Applications are due by 01-Dec-2003
Contact Information:
Dra. Nuria Sebastian
Email: nsebastian@psi.ub.es
Tel: 933125142
Website: http://www.ub.es/ccil/en
Index of July 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index