12 September: fyi -- tenure track, Korea
Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index
The Department of English Education in Kyungpook National University
invites applications for one tenure track position in English Syntax,
to begin March 1, 2004. Applicants should hold a PhD degree, and must
be committed to the teaching and supervision of undergraduate and
graduate students and the development of a strong research program.
Kyungpook National University is located in the City of Daegu, in the
southeastern part of Korea. Daegu is the third largest city in Korea,
conveniently located in relation to Seoul (3.5 hours by car or train)
and Busan (1.5 hours). The University was founded in 1946, and
currently has 13 colleges and 9 graduate schools, with 18,610 students
enrolled on bachelor degree courses, 4,361 on master degree courses,
and 1,035 students studying for Ph.D.s. KNU also supports 20 auxiliary
educational facilities and 54 research institutes.
Teach at least three courses (total 9 hours) each semester (courses
currently assigned to this position include Transformational &
Generative Grammar, History of English Language, Modern English
Grammar, Reading, Seminar on Language). Keep office hours. Advise
students in academic and pre-professional development. Supervise MA
students and PhD candidates. Maintain a productive scholarly and
professional life. Provide support for teachers and students in local
school settings. Participate in service to the college. Carry out
research. Other duties as assigned
Native English-speaker. Doctorate in linguistics. Publications in
internationally recognized journals. Preferred background includes
expertise in teacher/program development, commitment to educational
excellence, multicultural experience and knowledge of the Korean
educational situation.
40 to 65 million Korean Won Per Year, commensurate with experience. At
the time of posting, the exchange rate is approximately 1 US Dollar to
1,190 Korean Won).
Return air-fare. Housing on campus (faculty apartment). An allowance
of 100,000 Won is paid to faculty members living off campus. Overtime
(6,000 Won per hour) for hours taught in excess of 10 per week. At
least 5 weeks vacation per year, plus national holidays. National
Health Insurance and Pension payments are deducted from the monthly
salary. Faculty members can apply for research grants with KNU and
with the Korea Research Foundation. Travel grants are available for
presentations at international and domestic conferences (one of each
per year).
Application Procedures:
Applicants are asked to send a letter of application, a resume
(including a photo and a list of referees with email addresses, phone
and fax numbers), copies of diplomas, and at least 2 papers from
internationally recognized journals. Undergraduate and graduate school
transcripts will be required of shortlisted candidates.
Application Deadline:
Review of applications begins September 27th , 2003, and continues
until the position is filled.
Beginning Date: March 1, 2004
Submit applications and nominations by email to:
Dr. Bae, Jong-un, Head of Department: jubae@knu.ac.kr
Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr. Jong-un Bae
Kyungpook National University,
Teachers' College
Department of English,
1370 Sangkyuk-dong
Daegu, Buk-gu 702-701
Korea, Republic of
Applications are due by 27-Sep-2003
Contact Information:
Dr. Jong-un Bae
Email: jubae@knu.ac.kr
Tel: +82 53 950-5834
Fax: +82 53 950-6804
Website: http://www.knu.ac.kr, http://knuee.new21.net/main.htm
Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index