20 September: fyi -- phd funding, UK

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PhD. Studentship Available

A 3-year PhD studentship is available starting on or around 1st January
2004, associated with a UK EPSRC-funded project "Natural Language Service

The utility of the ubiquitous computing environment will be greatly enhanced
when users are able to tailor the environment by composing services to meet
their individual needs. This project is exploring the use of speech and
natural language processing techniques to help make service composition a
reality for non-technical users. The aim is to develop an interactive,
service composition tool using a speech interface with which users can
compose new features from the available network services. The associated PhD
studentship would be suitable for someone interested in carrying out
research in areas such as

* automated extraction of domain terminology/lexical acquisition for
practical language processing systems
* techniques for integrating ontological and linguistic knowledge
* robust language processing techniques for speech understanding in
a constrained domain of discourse
* user interfaces combining speech and language with other

Applicants for the studentship should have a good first degree and/or
postgraduate qualification in computer science, computer processing of
language, or similar. The studentship covers tuition fees for EU nationals;
the project also pays a (tax-free) stipend starting at UKP 8000 a year. The
grants include funds for attendance
at relevant workshops and conferences.

The successful applicant will join a dynamic project team consisting of 6
faculty and other researchers with expertise in natural language processing
and networked systems. The Natural Language and Computational Linguistics
(NLCL) group at the University of Sussex has a distinguished, international
track record for research in natural
language processing and is one of the largest in the UK focusing on
statistical and corpus-based methods. It currently consists of around 20
faculty, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, headed by 2 professors. For
information about other language processing work as the University of Sussex
see: .

Interested candidates should email their CV (as plain text, postscript, or
pdf) as soon as possible to:

Dr. Bill Keller
email: billk@sussex.ac.uk

Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index