27 September: fyi -- English teaching, Germany
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Reference Number 1777
The Fachbereich 08 Anglistik/Romanistik at Kassel University offers
the post of a
Lektor / Lektorin (BAT IIa) for English
starting as soon as possible, initially for a period of 2 years, with
the possibility of a permament employment in the future.
1. Teaching English at all levels with a teaching load of 16 hours per
2. Organization and evaluation of language tests and exams at all
3. Cooperation in the improvement of our language teaching programs
1. English as native language
2. MA degree or equivalent diploma in a relevant field (preferably in
applied lin-guistics)
3. Proven experience in the field of Teaching English as a Foreign
Language, preferably at university level
4. TEFL diploma or similar qualifications
5. good knowledge of German
Applications to be sent by 04 October 2003 (postmarked).
The University of Kassel strives for equal opportunity of employment
of men and women and for the adjustment of existing disproportions
concerning the employment of women in teaching and research positions.
Qualified women are thus encouraged to apply. Handicapped candidates
will be given preference, all else being equal. Applications with the
usual documentation should be sent before the deadline and referring
to the number stated above to the Dekanat Fachbereich 08, University
of Kassel, Georg-Forster-Strasse 3, D-34109 Kassel, Germany. Email:
Address for Applications:
Attn: University of Kassel Dekanat Fachbereich 08
Georg-Forster-Strasse 3
Kassel, 34127
Applications are due by 04-Oct-2003
Contact Information:
University of Kassel Dekanat Fachbereich 08
Email: dekanat8@uni-kassel.de
Tel: +49-561-804 3340
Fax: +49-561-804 3341
Website: http://www.philologien.de
Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index