28 September: fyi -- language acquisition, California

Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index

The Department of Linguistics at the University of California, San
Diego (http://ling.ucsd.edu) invites applications from qualified
linguists for the directorship of the department's Heritage Language
Program (HLP), under the umbrella of the department's Linguistics
Language Program (http://ling.ucsd.edu/Language/llp.htm). The term
'heritage language' denotes a language other than English that an
individual speaks or understands as a result of childhood exposure,
typically within the family. The HLP currently offers undergraduate
instruction in heritage Western Armenian, Korean, Persian, Tagalog,
and Vietnamese with plans to add Cantonese and Hindi/Urdu in

Responsibilities include supervision of HLP instruction and expansion
of the program to include other heritage languages, both in
collaboration with the Director of the Linguistics Language Program.
This position is part of a new interdisciplinary initiative in the
Social Sciences and Humanities addressing linguistic, ethnic, and
cultural diversity in California (the California Cultures in
Comparative Perspective Initiative,

Applications from candidates at all levels will be considered; at a
minimum, candidates should have a Ph.D. in linguistics at the time of
appointment. In terms of general qualifications, successful
candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge of theoretical
linguistics, research productivity, teaching ability at both the
graduate and undergraduate levels, and extramural funding potential.
As to specific qualifications, experience in and/or knowledge of
language pedagogy and language acquisition is required, and expertise
in the special needs of heritage speakers with regard to language
instruction is highly desirable. Linguistic knowledge of and/or
fluency in one or more of the heritage languages of California
(including but not limited to Arabic, Cambodian, Cantonese, Hmong,
Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Native American languages of California,
Persian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese) is also highly

While the primary area of linguistic research is open, the candidate's
overall research program should interface with the main emphasis of
the department on combining theoretical research in linguistics with
experimental research in areas such as computational linguistics,
psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, phonetics, and first or second
language acquisition. (For more information, please visit

Application details: A letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and
two (2) representative publications should be sent to the following

Heritage Language Recruitment Committee
Department of Linguistics (0108),
University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA 92093-0108

Please indicate in the letter whether or not you will be available for
an interview at the 2004 LSA Meeting in Boston, MA, January 8-11,

Those candidates who applied for the position previously and wish to
reactivate their files can send an updated CV and letter of
application to the above address.

All candidates should arrange for three (3) referees to send letters
of reference under separate cover to the same address, and should
include the names and addresses of the referees (including e-mail
addresses and fax numbers) with the application. For fullest
consideration, all application materials, including letters, should be
received no later than December 1, 2003.

UCSD regulations:
Salaries are in strict accordance with UC pay scales. Non-citizens
should state their immigration status. UCSD is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence
through diversity. Applicants are invited to preview campus diversity
resources and programs at the campus website for Diversity

Address for Applications:

Attn: Academic Affairs Coordinator Catherine Alioto
Heritage Language Recruitment Committee
Department of Linguistics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive MC 0108
La Jolla, CA 92093-0108
United States of America

Applications are due by 01-Dec-2003

Contact Information:
Academic Affairs Coordinator Catherine Alioto
Email: calioto@ucsd.edu
Tel: (858) 534-3601
Fax: (858) 534-4789
Website: http://ling.ucsd.edu

Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index