28 September: fyi -- Tagalog, California
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The goal of the project is to build a phrase-based spoken translation
system between English and Filipino/Tagalog, for use in
medical/refugee/disaster relief scenarios. The successful candidate
will be primarily responsible for acoustic and textual data collection
in Filipino/Tagalog in the specified domain; for adapting the domain
to respond appropriately to geographic, social, linguistic, and
cultural factors; for recruiting Filipino/Tagalog speakers and
recording them; and for later processing of the data, including
creating a wordlist with phonemic forms.
Basic programming or scripting skills strongly desired, for automating
data management and for processing data. Experience with collecting
speech and language data, especially with making audio recordings.
Experience with or interest in speech technology desirable. Linguistic
field work experience desirable. Formal training in linguistics,
preferably at the graduate level. Linguistic study of or competence in
Filipino/Tagalog a strong plus. Basic programming or scripting skills.
Approximately half-time for eight months, or equivalent over shorter
time. Extension possible depending upon progress and funding.
There are many subcomponents to the project and the successful
candidate may be asked to contribute to other tasks as needed and
according to her/his skills. Possible other tasks include transcribing
acoustic data orthographically, translating it, and clustering
responses into semantically equivalent classes, or supervising or
working with others doing these tasks.
Address for Applications:
Attn: Kristin Precoda
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Ave. (EJ101)
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493
United States of America
Position is open until filled.
Contact Information:
Kristin Precoda
Email: precoda@speech.sri.com
Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index