3 September: fyi -- postgraduate funding, Germany

Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index

What we do:
We are investigating the interaction of vision and language using
psycholinguistic methods and eyetracking. To follow our goals we
cooperate with colleagues and laboratories from several countries.

The job:
The position is a part time position funded by the the German research
council for two years (an extension up to three years is possible).

The ideal condidate:
We look for a highly motivated PhD student with an interest in
psycholinguistics and cognitve science in general. A psycholinguistic
background is not required.

For further informal information:
Tel.: 0049/(0)251-8331378

Address for Applications:

Attn: Dr Christian Dobel
Psychologisches Institut II
Fliednerstr. 21
Muenster, 48149

Applications are due by 15-Oct-2003

Contact Information:
Dr Chris Dobel
Email: cdobel@psy.uni-muenster.de
Tel: +49(0)251-8331378
Fax: +49(0)251-8334143
Website: http://wwwpsy.uni-muenster.de/inst2/speech/speech.html

Index of September 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index