17 January: fyi -- English, Germany
Index of January 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index
Full-time tenure-track faculty position in
English language
Candidates must have an MA in a relevant field and must be
native-speakers of a North-American variety of English. They should
have a good command of German and should have several years of
experience as teachers of a second/ foreign language.
The appointed lecturer will teach practical language courses to
students at high levels of proficiency as well as courses on American
life and institutions. He or she will be involved in examining at all
levels in all degree programs, and will participate in the academic
self-governance of the department.
The salary is on the BAT IIa scale. The post is available from 1 April
2004. The initial appointment will be made for two years. Closing date
for applications is 19 February 2004.
Paderborn University is an equal opportunities employer. In accordance
with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in this type of
employment, the University actively encourages applications from
Applications, including a full curriculum vitae should be sent to the
address below. Please include the reference number KENNZIFFER 553.
Prof. Dr. Ernst Bremer
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Universität Paderborn
Warburger Straße 100
D-33098 Paderborn
Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof. Dr. Ernst Bremer
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Universität Paderborn
Warburger Straße 100
D-33098 Paderborn
Applications are due by 19-Feb-2004
Contact Information:
Prof. Manfred Pienemann
Email: office.pienemann@hrz.upb.de
Tel: +49-(0)5251-603916
Fax: +49-(0)5251-605206
Website: http://www-fakkw.uni-paderborn.de/
Index of January 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index