6 January: fyi -- postgraduate funding, US
Index of January 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index
I am currently seeking a research assistant to work with me on corpus
based approaches to natural language processing. In particular, we will
focus on discovering word senses in very large corpora and from the web.
You can get a very good introduction to the type of research you might
carry out by checking into some of the work done by my current and
previous students (http://www.d.umn.edu/~tpederse/students.html).
This position requires that you will have earned a Bachelor's degree in
Computer Science, and that you be admitted to the M.S. program in
Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Find out more
about the program and its admissions requirements at:
Interested candidates should submit their applications to the M.S.
program as soon as possible, certainly no later than March 1, 2004.
This position starts in August 2004 and extends until May 2005, and is
renewable for a second year (August 2005-May 2006). It provides a stipend
of approximately $11,000 (US) per academic year, and includes a tuition
waiver and health insurance. There is also the possibility of summer
employment in 2005 and 2006.
In your statement of educational and/or career objectives, please clearly
mention your interest in this position, and also detail (as specifically
as you can) why you feel both qualified and motivated to carry out
corpus based research in Natural Language Processing.
Send a copy of your statement to me via email (tpederse@d.umn.edu) as
soon as possible. (Please remember that you must also include a copy of
this in your application.)
Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information.
Ted Pedersen
Ted Pedersen http://www.umn.edu/~tpederse
Department of Computer Science tpederse@umn.edu
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Duluth, MN 55812 (218) 726-8770
Index of January 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index