4 December: fyi -- language assessment, MA
Index of December 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index
December, 2004
Students and others interested individuals are needed to assess young
children's language and literacy skills for a national research
project funded by the Nati onal Institute of Child Health and Human
Development. The multi-year study, Acqu iring Literacy in English, is
being conducted by researchers from the Harvard Gr aduate School of
Education and the Center for Applied Linguistics. As an importa nt
part of the study, a team of assessors is needed to administer a
series of la nguage and literacy tasks to second grade children from
Spanish-speaking backgro unds in Montgomery County, Maryland. We will
need both native English and native Spanish speakers to administer
these tests.
DUTIES: Assessors will be responsible for a caseload of up to 20
children. Asses sments will occur at the children's school site, and
training and assignments wi ll be provided by project staff prior to
REQUIRED SKILLS: Experience working with children. Excellent
interpersonal skill s for negotiating entry into classrooms and
establishing cordial relationships w ith school personnel. Interest in
and/or experience with assessments of young ch ildren is a definite
plus, as well as coursework in linguistics, language acquis ition,
second language acquisition, or child psychology. Access to a
reliable c ar will be necessary.
STIPEND: $15.00 per hour to $20.00 per hour, depending upon level of
education and experience. Travel expenses will also be reimbursed.
The assessor will per form as an independent contractor and not as an
agent or employee of Harvard Uni versity or the Center for Applied
HOURS: Approximately 70 hours in total: two-day paid training period and seven-
week testing period.
EMPLOYMENT DATES: Training will occur in mid January, 2005, and
assessments will be completed in late January, February and early
March OF 2005.
CONTACT: Email a resume and statement of interest to Dr. Betty Ansin
Smallwood, CAL MCPS Study Coordinator, at the Center for Applied
Linguistics, betty@cal.org . Interviewing and selections will occur
in December and early January.
For more information, check http://www.cal.org/delss/projects/cal
Harvard University and the Center for Applied Linguistics are equal
opportunity employers and do not discriminate based upon race, color,
religion, national ori gin, sex, age, marital status, handicap, or any
other reason not related to the requirements of the position.
Index of December 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index