11 February: fyi -- speech (x2), Italy
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Research positions at ITC-irst in Speech Translation
The Hermes research line, Interactive Sensorial Systems - ITC-irst,
offers the following research positions in the area of speech
- Postdoctoral researcher
- Doctoral student (jointly with U. of Trento)
Activities will be carried out within public funded projects, in top
level international consortia, including labs in Europe, US, and
Requirements for postdoctoral researcher: Ph.D. or doctorate degree,
experience in research areas related to spoken/written language
processing, or machine translation. Salary will depend on experience.
Requirements for Ph.D.student position: background in one or more of
CL, NLP, Computer Science. Programming experience (ideally one or more
of C, C++, Perl). For a general overview over PhD programs in ICT at
the U. of Trento see http://ict.unitn.it.
ITC-irst is a public research centre located in Trento (Italy), in the
North Italy Alpine Region, about 1 hour by train from Verona.
Prospective applicants are invited to get in touch with Marcello
Federico at federico@itc.it, providing a short CV with details of
their background, qualifications and interests.
Information about research activities at ITC-irst, related to this
announcement can be found in http://hermes.itc.it.
Marcello Federico
ITC-irst Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
I-38050 Povo (Trento) - Italy
Index of February 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index