19 February: fyi -- Spanish, Oklahoma

Index of February 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index

Instructor/Assistant Professor: Tenure track position starting August,
2004. The successful candidate will teach introductory, intermediate,
and advanced Spanish courses, with a standard teaching load of 12
credits per semester. Responsibilities also include student advising
and participating in departmental committees.

Master's degree required. PhD preferred. Advanced ABD's will be
considered. Rank dependent upon education level. Must be able to work
in the US. Resume should include evidence of teaching excellence and
research. Ability to teach beginning French desirable. Send letter of
application with copies of transcripts and three references to: Office
of Human Resources, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK
74464. Applications will be evaluated upon receipt and the positions
will remain open until filled. AA/EOE

Address for Applications:

Attn: Tere Feller
Office of Human Resources
600 N. Grand
Tahlequah, OK 74464
United States of America

Position is open until filled.

Contact Information:
Dr. Jackie Wilcox
Email: wilcoxj@nsuok.edu
Tel: 918-456-5511 ext 3609
Fax: 918-458-2348
Website: http://www.nsuok.edu

Index of February 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index