31 March: fyi -- postdoc (NPs), NL
Index of March 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index
UiL OTS is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic candidates for
1 postdoc position
(vacancy No. 68412)
This position, open per October 1, 2004, is available for the project
The Noun Phrase: Diversity in Dutch Design and the Design of
Diversity, funded by NWO. The overall aim of this research project is
to contribute to our understanding of the phenomenon of syntactic
diversity and the way it is encoded, its design, in human language.
A complete description of this research project is available at:
Candidates are invited to to submit an original research proposal that
relates to one of the 3 sub-projects in the description. Research
proposals should contain an overview of recent literature on which the
proposed research is based, an articulate research question and a
proposed method for answering it.
We are looking for ambitious candidates who show enthusiasm for
scientific research and who are willing to work in a team. The postdoc
researcher will have the daily coordination of the project. The
candidate must have received his/her Ph.D. or should be able to show
that the dissertation manuscript will be appoved by the reading
committee before October 1, 2004.
The postdoc position offers a three-year track. The salary for the
postdoc position will be in the range of EUR 2934 to EUR 4027
(depending on experience, before taxes, full-time)
For further information, please contact prof. Norbert Corver (project
leader), tel. +31-30-253 8240 // +31-30-253 8000, email:
Norbert.Corver@let.uu.nl, or dr. Rob Goedemans (PhD-programme
coordinator), tel.+31-30-2536183 , email: Rob.Goedemans@let.uu.nl.
Applications should mention the vacancy number and should be
accompanied by the following materials: a research proposal, an
extensive curriculum vitae, a list of relevant courses successfully
attended and the grades obtained, two referents (preferably, enclose
the letters of reference with your application), a copy of the
dissertation, and one or two articles.
Application letters should be addressed to:
Utrecht University
Faculty of Arts
Personnel Division
attn. Mr. P. Dybiona
Kromme Nieuwegracht 46
3512 HJ Utrecht, The Netherlands
Applications can be submitted electronically to:
The deadline for receipt of applications is: May 12, 2004.
The interviews will be between June 14th and 18th, 2004.
Address for Applications:
Attn: Mr. P. Dybiona
Utrecht University
Faculty of Arts
Personnel Division
Kromme Nieuwegracht 46
Utrecht, 3512
Applications are due by 12-May-2004
Contact Information:
Prof Norbert Corver
Email: Norbert.Corver@let.uu.nl
Tel: +31-30-253 8240
Website: http://www.let.uu.nl/uilots/
Index of March 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index