9 March: HPSG/LKB
Index of March 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index
Recall that from 3pm to 5pm on March 11 and on March 12, Professor
Hannes Rieser of the University of Bielefeld will be at Trinity
providing a short course on building HPSG style grammars in
the LKB system. The course will run in the O'Reilly Institute
Lower Ground Floor Sun labs (basically, across the hall from my
You are very welcome to join in. The title and abstract follow.
Take care,
Hannes Rieser, Andy Luecking (Bielefeld University)
A first session with the LKB system
This course provides an introduction into a grammar engineering tool
called LKB (short for "Linguistic Knowledge Building"), developed at
Stanford University and commented upon by Ann Copestake in her book
"Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars" (2002, CSLI
Publications). The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the
components of the system, its architecture and its coverage.
LKB is designed for the implementation of grammars based on typed
feature structures, but since every formally specifiable grammar can be
cast in this format, it can be used for arbitrary grammars. Students
could in principle use this tool for seminar papers or master's theses
dealing with formal grammar.
LKB has been developed with an eye on Sag and Wasow's "Syntactic Theory.
A Formal Introduction" (1999, CSLI Public.), the standard
morphology/syntax text used at TCD and Bielefeld University.
Nevertheless, one can follow the seminar session without extensive
knowledge of this book. We also set up a detailed hand-out which should
be of help. In addition, we, especially Any Luecking, will assist you.
The seminar is part of the staff exchange program established between
Bielefeld University and TCD and is supported by the Socrates/Erasmus
exchange program of the EU.
Index of March 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index