17 September: fyi -- psychology, NC

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The Department of Psychology at the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro invites applications for four tenure-
track Assistant or Associate Professor level positions
beginning August 1, 2005. Two positions are in Cognitive
Psychology, one is in Clinical Psychology and one is for a
quantitative psychologist. The Department of Psychology
consists of 24 full-time faculty and offers a B.A. in psychology
and the Ph.D. in clinical, cognitive, developmental, and social
psychology (See http://www.uncg.edu/psy for more information).
All applicants should have a clear commitment to graduate and
undergraduate teaching and show evidence of a strong independent
research program with an ability to collaborate across specialty areas.
We are especially interested in individuals who will complement the
Department's two interdisciplinary themes - "Risk and Resilience in
Social Contexts" and "Self-Regulation, Consciousness, and Control".
Applicants must hold or anticipate a Ph.D. by August 1, 2005.
Applicants at the Associate level should also have a demonstrated
record of research excellence, including success in securing external
funding. Applicants with strong quantitative skills and/or expertise in the
biological bases of behavior are also especially encouraged to apply.
Area of research interest for the two positions in Cognitive Psychology
is open and can include research expertise in judgment and decision-
making, attention/executive control, automaticity, metacognition,
cognitive aging, or cognition and emotion. More information may be
obtained from Dr. Reed Hunt, Chair of the Cognitive Search Committee,
(email: huntrr@uncg,edu). All applicants for the Clinical Psychology
position (# 2271) must have a Ph.D. from an APA-accredited clinical
program and internship prior to the date of appointment. Applicants
should show evidence of a strong independent research program, focusing
on risk factors that contribute to the development of psychopathology,
especially among adults, and those protective factors that reduce risk or
facilitate resilience. Applicants should have completed by July 31, 2005
their supervised internship and be licensed or license-eligible in North
Carolina. The doctoral program in Clinical Psychology is fully accredited
by the American Psychological Association. More information may be
obtained from Dr. Tom Kwapil, Chair of the Clinical Search Committee,
(email: t_kwapil@uncg,edu). Applicants for the quantitative psychology
position (# 2272), which will be at the Associate level, should have a track
record (appropriate for a more senior level appointment) of collaborative
research that demonstrates expertise in experimental design, psychological
measurement, and multivariate statistical methods for behavioral research
in experimental and applied settings. Candidates with expertise in
psychophysics, psychometrics, longitudinal data analysis, generalized
estimating equations, generalized mixed-effects models or Bayesian
methodology are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate
must have a doctorate in psychology and expertise in advanced statistical
methods, as evidenced by published research and training in quantitative
psychology or statistics. Responsibilities for the position include developing
a productive program of research; teaching graduate and undergraduate
courses in quantitative methods; developing, and collaborating/consulting
on, externally funded projects; and supervising student theses and
dissertations. More information may be obtained from Dr. Matthew Paradise,
Chair of the Quantitative Search Committee, (email: m_paradi@uncg,edu).
Applicants for each position should send a cover letter, a vita, a detailed
description of their research program, three representative reprints or
preprints, and a statement of teaching interests and philosophy to the chair
of the appropriate search committee: Department of Psychology, UNCG,
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA. Applicants should have
three reference letters sent separately. Review of the applications will
on December 15, 2004 and continue until the position is filled. EEO/AA.

Michael J. Kane
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 26170
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

Voice: 336-256-1022
Fax: 336-334-5066
Web: http://www.uncg.edu/~mjkane/HomePage.html

Index of September 2004 | Index of year: 2004 | Full index