8 November:
Index of November 2005 | Index of year: 2005 | Full index
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The Telecooperation Department at the University of Technology in
Darmstadt, Germany invites applications of researchers (at the
doctoral or post-doc level) in the field of lexical semantic
processing in NLP with the focus on information retrieval (Id-Number
The position is offered within the project "Semantic Information
Retrieval" funded by the German Research Council (DFG) and has the
duration of two years. An extension for one additional year is
possible depending on the availability of funding.
The project should enhance standard approaches to information
retrieval by using lexical semantic knowledge. It aims to implement an
information retrieval system in the domain of career consultancy,
which integrates semantic relatedness of words. The applicant should
possess a degree either in computational linguistics or computer
science with reasonable NLP background. The position (at the post-doc
level) is at approx. 40,000 Euros/year, according to German public
service pay scale BAT IIa, or part-time (at the doct. level). The
applicant is expected to have a good command of English and
German. Strong programming skills, preferably in Java, are
required. Relevant research experience and publications in NLP is a
definite asset.
The Telecooperation Department offers both a stimulating working
environment and up-to-date computer hardware facilities. The
department participates in several computer science projects and
partnerships. The project will be headed by Dr. Iryna Gurevych and
will strive for high research standards. Please send your informal
inquiries to:
Deadline for application: 28. November 2005.
"The provision of a service can be combined with activities for the
research qualification. Applicants are given an opportunity to work on
their doctoral/postdoctoral studies.
The Darmstadt University of Technology aims to increase the number of
female personnel, and women candidates are strongly encouraged to
apply. Also given equal qualifications, handicapped persons will be
treated preferentially.
Application letters with specific reference to the position (quoting:
"Ref: 312") must be sent by ordinary mail to: TU Darmstadt, Dean
Computer Science, Fachbereich 20, Hochschulstraße 10, 64289 Darmstadt,
Index of November 2005 | Index of year: 2005 | Full index