17 February:
Index of February 2005 | Index of year: 2005 | Full index
discipline and will have demonstrated excellence in teaching and research.
The Department of Modem Languages and Linguistics presently offers
undergraduate degrees in Linguistics, German, Italian and Spanish. The
starting date for the appointment is July 1, 2005. Starting salary will be
based on experience and qualifications. Applications, including curriculum
vitae, transcripts, samples of publications, and letters from three academic
referees should be addressed to: Dr. Robert McNutt, Chair, Department of
Modem Languages and Linguistics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West,
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M2, Canada. Applications received by March 31, 2005
will be assured of consideration.
For further information on the Department of Modem Languages and
Linguistics, see http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~modlang/
Alexandre Sevigny
Assistant Professor & Undergraduate Counsellor
Communication Studies & French Linguistics
Room 507, Togo Salmon Hall, McMaster University
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8
Tel: 905.525.9140 ext 27661
Index of February 2005 | Index of year: 2005 | Full index