15 January: fyi -- computational linguistics, South Africa

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The Centre for Text Technology at the North-West University
(Potchefstroom Campus) in South Africa is looking for candidates to
fill a full-time postdoctoral position in computational linguistics.

Minimum requirements:
- PhD in Computational Linguistics or related fields obtained within
the past two years.
- Strong programming skills (C/C++, Perl, Java).
- The ability to work well in a team.
- Full spoken and written proficiency of English.
- Advanced experience in the following areas:
- Statistical and/or Machine Learning approaches in NLP.
- Machine Translation and/or Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).

Preferred/recommended requirements:
- Experience in other programming languages.
- Good research profile and publication rate.
- Knowledge of or fluency in a Germanic language and/or Bantu language.
- Experience in product development.

Job description:

The postdoc will contribute to current and future research projects
within the Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), with the main focus on
multilingualism. Current projects in the CTexT include, among others,
development of language tools and multilingual aligned corpora for
South African languages. The postdoc will be encouraged to
participate in the current projects and convey research in the areas
of possible applications of the multilingual aligned corpora, such as

- Machine translation
- Word sense disambiguation
- Multilingual information retrieval
- Bilingual lexicography

or/and in developing CALL applications.

It will be expected from the postdoc to publish in acknowledged
international and national journals, present research results at local
and international conferences, and stimulate research within the

1 May 2006 (negotiable).

Contract period:
12 months, renewable for another 12 months depending on satisfactory

Remuneration according to the South African National Research
Foundation's benchmarks. No fringe benefits included. Annual leave
according to labour law regulations and University practice included.

Additional information:
- A certain amount of the library budget allocation will be made
available to expand the current library collection.
- The postdoc will be encouraged to apply for funding for conference
attendance, within the University's framework for research funding,
as well as for external funding (e.g. National Research
Foundation). Funding for one international conference participation
is guaranteed.

Centre for Text Technology:
The Centre for Text Technology (CTexT) is a leader in the field of
human language technology in South Africa. We offer a friendly and
enthusiastic working environment, good computational facilities,
interaction across academic disciplines (including linguists,
phonologists/acoustic phoneticians, statisticians, engineers, and
computer scientists). Read more about the Centre for Text Technology
at http://www.nwu.ac.za/ctext

Application and deadline:
To apply, email a CV (including an outline of research experience and
interests, as well as names and contact information for two
references) to Julia Trushkina (20215770@puknet.puk.ac.za) before
13 February 2006.

For more information, contact Prof. Gerhard van Huyssteen at
ntlgbvh@puk.ac.za, or at +27 18 299 1488 between 09:00 and 16:00 South
African time.

The North-West University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

Address for Applications:

Attn: Dr. Julia Trushkina
Centre for Text Technology
North-West University
Potchefstroom, North-West Province 2522
South Africa

Applications are due by 13-Feb-2006

Contact Information:

Prof. Gerhard Van Huyssteen.
Email: ntlgbvh@puk.ac.za
Tel: +27 18 299 1488
Website: http://www.nwu.ac.za/ctext

Prof Gerhard B van Huyssteen
Centre for Text Technology || Sentrum vir Tekstegnologie
North-West University || Noordwes-Universiteit
South Africa || Suid-Afrika

Tel: +27 18 299 1488
Fax: +27 18 299 1562

Restrictions and disclaimer || Beperkings en vrywaringsklousule:

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