12 October: fyi -- phd program, Chicago

Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

technology emphasis.

The program recognizes the prominence of new media, and aims to
develop research strategies to study the consequences of channels
such as the internet. The program builds on faculty and university
strength and research and also on the successful M.A. program in

The Department has unique structural advantages. We work closely with
the UIC Electronic Visualization Laboratory housed in the Computer
Science Department. A joint effort of the College of Engineering and
School of Art & Design, the lab is the oldest formal collaboration
between engineering and art in the United States and is the
pre-eminent virtual reality and high-speed networking research lab in
the world. The Department is the birthplace and current home of New
Media and Society, the leading journal in the field.

Our central location in an international communication hub enhances
research opportunities. Besides national media outlets and production
companies, Chicago is headquarters to Motorola, Tellabs, SBC and new
media companies and hosts one of the first and busiest Internet
Network Access Points (NAP). The Department hosted a recent Summit on
Industry-Academy Alliances, and its advisory board of ranking
executives in new technology and related industries will allow
students to apply their knowledge and research skills to real-world

Besides well-known scholars working in technology, the faculty
includes scholars in fields such as politics, visual communication,
rhetoric, diversity, history, as well as other areas, along with
younger scholars.

We hope your top Master's graduates will pursue admission. The
enclosed poster has a reply card, and the brochure provides program
details. If you need more information, please see the web site
http://www.uic.edu/depts./comm, and do not hesitate to get in touch
with me.


Andrew Rojecki
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies

Kevin G. Barnhurst
Hui-Ching Chang
James A. Danowski
Doris Graber
Patricia Harkin
John A. Jones
Richard R. John
Steve Jones
Bruce Lambert
Rebecca Ann Lind
Victor Margolin
Deirdre McCloskey
John Nerone
Andrew Rojecki
Jim Sosnoski

Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index