14 October: fyi -- time series content analysis, Poland

Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

ref.: eniraf-wp10

Application deadline: November 30, 2006
Job starting date: February 1, 2007
Contract period: 3 months
More details on The Researchers??? Mobility Portal:

Department of Management Information Systems at Poznan University of
Economics, Poland is looking for a senior researcher for a 3-months
stay. The researcher will be funded by FP6 Marie Curie Host Fellowship
for the Transfer of Knowledge under the project ENIRAF ??? Enhanced
Information Retrieval and Filtering for Analytical Systems
(http://eniraf.mis.ae.poznan.pl/). Focus of the research in this project
is on ontologies, web services and the Semantic Web for information

The goal of this three-month position is to introduce into enIRaF
framework the temporal context of information. Inspired by a time
dimension in a data warehouse our team has already proposed the solution
for extracting temporal references from business news (eDW - enhanced
Data Warehouse project). Business documents were then related to a data
warehouse report by time and semantic similarity measure. The objective
of WP10 is then to review our approach and extend it with improved
representation of pieces of information and matching them to analytical
systems contents by utilizing ontologies.
A successful candidate should be familiar with time-modelling issues in
information systems, e.g. time ontologies, modal logic, temporal logic,
temporal databases. The question is not how to represent time in
ontology but how to represent ontology in time. The subject that is
nowadays crucial for representing information extracted from text is
ontology evolution. Another subject that needs investigation is
reasoning with time and to what extent it is possible with information
extracted from the Web. We see great potential in time-context aware
analysis of information.
The researcher will have the opportunity to co-operate with team
implementing TOWL: Time-determined Ontology based knowledge system for
real time stock market analysis, a 6FP EU funded project
In order to conform to the overall enIRaF project???s objectives the
results of this work package should contribute to enhanced information
filtering techniques. The incoming researcher, together with the
co-operating team, will prepare a publication in a recognized journal or
at least a chapter in an edited book, to show the results of the
project. The focus is on collaboration and transfer of knowledge, which
includes preparation of workshops for faculty and lectures for students.
To be eligible for this action you have to be a senior researcher, i.e.
to have at least 10 years of research experience since gaining a
university diploma.

Flyer: http://eniraf.mis.ae.poznan.pl/files/enIRaF_flyer_WP10.pdf

Also the opportunity to visit a beautiful country of Poland:
More about Poland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland
More about Poznan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pozna%C5%84
The airport: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pozna%C5%84-%C5%81awica_Airport
Turism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Poland

Interested candidates should forward their resume (CV) by e-mail to:

e-mail: eniraf@kie.ae.poznan.pl

Prof. Witold Abramowicz
Department of Management Information Systems
The Poznan University of Economics
Al. Niepodleglosci 10
60-967 Poznan

Tel: +48(61)8543381
Fax: +48(61)8543633

Dr Krzysztof Wecel http://www.kie.ae.poznan.pl/~kaw
Department of Management Information Systems
The Poznan University of Economics, al. Niepodleglosci 10, 60-967 Poznan
K.Wecel@kie.ae.poznan.pl Tel:+48(61)854-3381 Fax:+48(61)854-3633

Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index