17 October: fyi -- student conference travel scholarship, US

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From: Frances Rock

The Malcolm Coulthard Scholarship was initiated in 2005. It was set up in
honour of Professor Malcolm Coulthard, the Founding President of the
International Association of Forensic Linguists and is intended to
acknowledge his contributions to the establishment and promotion of the field.

The Scholarship is available to a postgraduate student who intends to
present a paper at the biennial meeting of the IAFL. It provides a waiver of
conference registration and accommodation fees, as well as reasonable travel
costs, up to a maximum of £500. The applicant must reside in a country that
is on a different continent from that on which the conference is taking place.

Students who are interested in applying for the Scholarship should indicate
this clearly when submitting their abstracts. They should also include a
separate statement of 250-400 words, indicating why they should be
considered for the award. Students who have already submitted abstracts and
wish to be considered for this Scholarship should submit a short note to the
organiser indicating the title of their abstract along with their statement
of 250-400 words.

Full details of the conference are available at:
Or by clicking on the link at: http://www.iafl.org/

Please contact the Conference Organiser, Gail Stygall, if you have any
questions about the Conference. Her email address is: stygall@u.washington.edu

Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index