5 October: fyi -- lexical semantics, Saarbruecken
Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
The Department of Computational Linguistics at Saarland University,
Saarbruecken, Germany, invites applications for a scientist position
("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") in a DFG-funded project on Lexical
Semantics (subject to final confirmation).
The successful candidate will have a good background in Natural Language
Processing and Computational Semantics, preferrably holding a PhD in
Computational Linguistics or a related field. He/she will contribute to
a project with a focus on corpus-based methods for the acquisition of
lexical-semantic information. Experience in data-intensive methods is
essential. A background in lexical-semantic theory is a definite plus.
He/she will join a young, creative research team and should have good
team working skills.
Saarbruecken University is one of the leading European research sites in
Computational Linguistics and offers an active, stimulating research
environment. Close cooperations exist with other disciplines (esp.
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence). The institute offers an
international MSc program and hosts the International Post-Graduate
College in Language Technology and Cognitive Systems.
Salary and social benefits are according to Germany's public sector BAT
IIa scale, currently between 2900 and 3800 Euro per month (before
taxes), depending on age and family situation. Saarland University aims
at increasing the proportion of women in academic research and teaching,
and encourages women to apply.
Please send applications (including CV and list of publications) in
electronic form to job-salsa@coli.uni-sb.de (Professor Manfred Pinkal).
Deadline is October 30, 2006. Informal inquiries can be addressed to
the above eMail address as well.
The official (German) text of this announcement will be accessible #
shortly from the following page (Kennziffer 45A):
http://www.uni-saarland.de/de/organisation/zentrale_verwaltung/ #
Index of October 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index