2 November: fyi -- communication, NL

Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

*Tilburg University *
Tilburg University is an institution for higher education, located in
the south of the Netherlands, that specializes in human and social
sciences. Tilburg University is known for its high standards in
education and research as well as its good support facilities. In
national annual rankings Tilburg University takes a top-position. The
compact campus offers ample opportunity to meet staff and students. Of a
student population of over 10,000, 5% are international students.

*Faculty of Arts*
The teaching and research of the Faculty of Arts are organized around
the themes of business communication and digital media, cultural
studies, discourse studies, intercultural communication and
human-computer communication. The faculty?s inspiring working
environment stimulates its employees to realize their ambitions.

*Department of Communication Science*

The Department of Communication Science is dedicated to research and
teaching. The research investigates the communicative competence of
language users in interaction with each other as well as with computers;
oral and written language behaviour is studied in natural and
experimental environments, with a focus on structures and patterns of
language use that are characteristic of social and human-machine
contexts. The teaching consists primarily of the undergraduate and
graduate programs of the Communication & Information Sciences curriculum.

At the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Arts, Tilburg
University, a position is available for a


*in the field of business communication and digital media*

(full-time, tenure track, vacancy number 810.06.08 )

*Main tasks*

Candidates are expected to:

· Teach courses in the bachelor and master programme ?Business
Communication and Digital Media? (e.g. 'Communication and Management'
and 'Modality and Organisation'). For a survey of the teaching program,
see studiegids.uvt.nl/it10.home?taal=E

· Participate in the research programme "Multimodality & Cognition".
This programme focuses on the cognitive and social ramifications of
using multimodal and digital communication
). In
particular, the candidate is expected to contribute to fundamental and
applied research into the analysis, the development, the use and the
evaluation of communication tools and media in an organizational context.

· Develop and supervise bachelor?s and master's thesis research related
to this research programme.

· Acquire external research projects, preferably focused on digital,
interpersonal or (inter)cultural facets of communication in organisations.

· Perform managerial and administrative tasks.


· A PhD in one of the following disciplines: Business Communication,
Organization Studies, Communication and Information Studies, Discourse
Studies, Educational psychology, or another relevant discipline.

· Strong or promising research record.

· Inventive in acquiring external funding from scientific or
non-scientific sources.

· Broad deployability in instructional and organizational tasks;

· Demonstrable didactic qualities.

*Terms of employment*

The selected candidate is offered a full-time contract for one year,
which is concluded by an evaluation. Upon a positive outcome, the
contract will be continued for four years. After three years the
performance will be evaluated with respect to the requirements above. A
permanent and full-time position is dependent on the positive outcome of
this evaluation. The position of assistant professor is ranked in the
Dutch university employment system (UFO) as 'Universitair Docent', level
2 (? 3.024 up to ? 4.140 gross per month). If applicable, the candidate
will have to acquire a good command of Dutch.


More information about the vacancy can be obtained from Prof. Dr. A.
Maes (_maes@uvt.nl_).


The deadline for applications is December 1, 2006. Applications in Dutch
or English, including a CV and names of two referents, are to be sent
to: mr. A.Q.M. Oostrom (Managing Director), Faculty of Arts, Tilburg
University, D 302, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, or
to: solliciterenfdl@uvt.nl (indicating
the vacancy number).

Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index