6 November: fyi -- phd funding, NL

Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

Radboud University Nijmegen
Erasmusplein 1
NL-6525 HT Nijmegen
Tel : +31 24 3611686 Fax : +31 24 3612907
e-mail: H.vandenHeuvel@let.ru.nl

PhD position: ACORNS (Vacancy)

Research area:
Acquisition of Communication and Recognition Skills (ACORNS) is a highy
ambituous project, financed by the European Commission, which aims to
develop a computer simulation of the way in which young children acquire
their native language. For this project we are looking for a PhD candidate
who will be based at the Centre for Language and Speech Technology at the
Radboud University Nijmegen. The task of the PhD student will be to
develop an autonomous language acquisition system by integrating software
modules that are built by other partners of the project consortium.
Further s/he will conduct experiments with the system in order to evoke
adequate reactions from the system to audio-visual input. On the basis of
the feedback to the reactions, the system should learn to recognise words
and their meanings in speech signals.

The PhD student will have the opportunity to conduct part of the research
in the lab of one of the ACORN
Consortium members in Belgium, Great Brittain, Sweden, Finland, or the

A successful candidate must have a strong background in informatics,
cognitive sciences, AI, and preferably signal processing and pattern
recognition. Due to the international context of the project, excellent
coomunication skills in English are essential, as well as a good record of
collaboration in teams. Candidates must be already authorized to work in
the EU.

Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Els den Os (E.denOs@let.ru.nl) or
prof. dr L.Boves (L.Boves@let.ru.nl). Tel. +31- 24 361 5559 or +31- 24 361

Duration of contract: 3.5 years from 1st January 2007.

Formal applications with a detailed CV and the names of at least two
references should be sent to the personnel department referring to vacancy
ACORNS PhD, preferably by e-mail.

E-mail: E.denOs@let.ru.nl
Postal address: Dr E. den Os
Radboud University Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9103
NL-6500 HD Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Closing date: 1st December 2006

An elaborate description of the project plan can be found at
http://www.ru.nl/clst/projects/speech/ > ACORNS

Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index