7 November: fyi -- postgraduate scholarships, Norway
Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
Dear Sir/Madam
I am directed by the Minister for Education and Science to say that the
Government of
Norway, through the International Scholarship Section (IS) offers a pool
of scholarships for advanced students and young researchers.
The scholarships are open to all areas of studies and research within
academic fields, including applied and performing arts. Irish students
are eligible to apply.
The applicants are required to hold a Bachelor degree or equivalent
(minimum requirement) and there is an age limit – candidates must be no
older than 40 years. Application forms and information regarding the
scholarships are available to download from the website of the Research
Council of Norway:-
www.rcn.no/is (select: Information in English then Government
Scholarships under Cultural Agreements)
Completed forms and enclosures (which must be authorised copies) should
be returned to the Department of Education & Science, International
Section, Training College Building, Marlborough St., Dublin 1, no later
than 5.p.m., Friday 15 December 2006. Late applications will not be
Please bring this notice to the attention of likely candidates.
Yours faithfully
Marie Mooney
Department of Education and Science
International Section
Tel. +353 1 889 2426
Fax +353 1 889 2376
Email Marie_Mooney@education.gov.ie
Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index