7 November: fyi -- web applications, US

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Company: Opinmind (www.opinmind.com)

Job Title: Java Application Developer

Description: Opinmind is seeking an experienced Java application
Desired skills include Java web application development, AJAX, database
schema design.
Previous experience working with search engine indexes is a major plus.
Job responsibilities will include developing web applications and
contributing to the improvement of Opinmind's existing search algorithm.

- Major field of study: Computer Science.

- Education: Bachelors Degree.

- Technical skills:
= 3+ years experiences with Java, J2EE, and JDBC. Hibernate is a
= Solid understanding of networking, distributed systems, and DB
= Experience with Lucene or other text indexers is a plus;
= Knowledge of AJAX, JSON RPC and Dojo a plus;
= Proficiency in XML, XSLT, and Web Services a plus;
= Experience with Linux, Perl and MySQL;
= Any experience with Artificial Intelligence is a plus;
= UI design experience is preferred.

- Good verbal and written communication skills with the ability to
quickly learn and explain new technical concepts.

If interested please contact Hongcheng Mi (charlesmi-yahoo-com) or write
to jobs@opinmind.com


Best wishes
Dr Nicolas Nicolov
Chief Scientist
Umbria Inc.
1655 Walnut St, Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80302, U.S.A.
Tel: (303) 217-8215 / Fax: 720.565.6883

Index of November 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index