4 December: fyi -- phd funding, MA
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invites applications for admission to the Ph.D. Program in Speech and
Hearing Bioscience and Technology (SHBT) for the fall semester 2007.
Synthesizing engineering, medicine and science, the program offers a rigorous
curriculum that trains students to apply research methods, design techniques,
and clinical knowledge to the study of the physical, cognitive, and biological
systems underlying language and communication. With access to the resources of
MIT, Harvard and its eleven teaching hospitals, this program provides students
with a vast range of research and educational opportunities.
The program emphasizes interdisciplinary education that spans physics,
biology, psychology, linguistics, medicine and engineering, including
clinical coursework.
No prior experience in speech and hearing is required. Applicants should have
strong analytical skills and at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant field.
Course work in the first year assumes familiarity with calculus, college level
physics, statistics, and biology.
Students are accepted based on interests, academic background,
intellectual ability, curiosity, motivation, and character. US
citizens and permanent residents are eligible for fellowship support
of up to three years from the National Institutes of Health.
Applications are due January 7, 2007. More information about the SHBT
program is available online at http://web.mit.edu/shbt/
If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please
contact the admissions chair, Prof. Chris Brown (chris_brown@meei.harvard.edu).
Web Address for Applications: http://mit.edu/shbt/apply/
Applications are due by: 07-Jan-2007
Contact Information:
Dr M. Christian Brown
Index of December 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index