28 February: fyi -- phd funding, UK
Index of February 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
ESRC Quota Studentships in Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster
The Department of Linguistics and English Language has been awarded 6
quota studentships for its PhD programmes, which have received 1+3 and
+3 recognition, part time and full time. We welcome applicants from the
UK and the EU in all ESRC-relevant areas of linguistics and applied
linguistics, including:
* sociolinguistics (especially language variation, bilingualism,
language and gender, language policy)
* (critical) discourse analysis
* literacy studies
* applied linguistics (language teaching, language testing)
* corpus linguistics (with a sociolinguistic and/or typological
For a +3 award applicants should hold an ESRC-recognised Masters in
Linguistics or Applied Linguistics.
A 1+3 award is available for those applying for the PhD by Thesis and
Closing date for applications to Department: 15th March 2006.
The Department is the largest of its kind in England, with a full-time
lecturing staff of 28, some 25 Research Associates, and 150 PhD
students. It has library holdings and a thriving research environment,
organised around 4 Research Centres and 15 Research Groups. See
http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/research/index.htm for details.
In the first instance please contact Mrs Marjorie Wood
(m.f.wood@lancaster.ac.uk) for further details.=20
Willem Hollmann
Dept of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YT
Tel: +44 (0)1524 594644
Fax: +44 (0)1524 843085
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Index of February 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index