14 March: fyi -- research position, MD
Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
As part of a new initiative in undergraduate research, the Department of
Linguistics at the University of Maryland is pleased to announce the
Baggett Fellowship Program, which offers intensive year-long research
experiences for students who are US citizens or permanent residents who
have completed a bachelors degree.
One-year Baggett Fellowships are full-time positions intended for
individuals with a BA or BS degree who are interested in gaining
significant research experience in an active interdisciplinary environment
before pursuing graduate study in some area of linguistics or cognitive
science. Applicants should be US citizens or permanent residents, and
should have completed a BA or BS degree or equivalent by the time of
appointment (Summer or Fall 2006). There are no restrictions on where the
fellow received the bachelor's degree. One or two fellowship positions are
available for the 2006-2007 year. Salary is competitive, with benefits
The Department of Linguistics has well-integrated research groups in
theoretical linguistics, psycholinguistics, and computational linguistics
that are engaged in research on a wide variety of areas of language,
ranging from acoustics to semantics, in children and adults, in both
typical and atypical populations. In addition to its expertise in
theoretical linguistics, the department has outstanding facilities for
multidisciplinary research on language, including MEG and EEG
brain-recording facilities, eye-tracking labs, an infant lab and an
on-campus lab preschool, plus tools for a variety of other experimental and
computational approaches. Information on the department can be found
at http://www.ling.umd.edu.
Applicants should submit (i) a cover letter, describing relevant experience
and interests, (ii) a current CV, (iii) names of 3 potential references,
and (iv) a writing sample. Fuller information can be found on the Baggett
Fellows web page. All materials should be sent electronically to Jeff Lidz
(jlidz@umd.edu). The application deadline is April 18, 2006. Prospective
fellows who are currently applying to graduate programs should indicate
this in their application and notify Dr Lidz if they accept an offer from a
graduate program and intend to withdraw their application.
For further information visit: http://www.ling.umd.edu/baggett
Address for Applications:
Jeff Lidz
Department of Linguistics
1401 Marie Mount Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Application Deadline: Open until filled.
Contact Information:
Jeff Lidz
Email: jlidz@umd.edu
Phone: (301) 405-8220
Website: http://www.ling.umd.edu
Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index