15 March: fyi -- French & Japanese, NY
Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
Teaching Assistantships in French and Japanese are available for the
support of students beginning study in Fall 2006 in the Master of Arts
Program in Linguistic Studies at Syracuse University. The Program
offers a U.S. master's level degree in any one of six different
concentrations: TESOL; linguistic theory; logic and language;
information storage and retrieval; language, culture, and society; and
language acquisition. The time of study is one and a half to two
years. Teaching Assistants must have at least native-like command of
the languages they teach. The deadline for submission of an
application for admission to the program is April 15, 2006, if an
applicant wishes to be assured of consideration for one of these
Teaching Assistantships. However, applicants will be considered until
all Teaching Assistantships are filled. Admission to the Program is
Consult the department Web site at http://lang.syr.edu/ for further
details. If, after reading the Web site thoroughly, you still have
questions, contact the Program's Graduate Admissions Coordinator,
Ms. Karen O. Ames, at koames@mailbox.syr.edu or the Syracuse
University Graduate School at gradschl@suadmin.syr.edu. Repeat: These
are not free-standing teaching positions but are, rather, awards to
support students in a graduate program of study.
Web Address for Applications: http://gradsch.syr.edu
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Ms. Erin Stebbins
Graduate Enrollment Management Center, Syracuse University
Suite 303 Bowne Hall
Syracuse NY 13244
Applications are due by: 15-Apr-2006
Contact Information:
Ms. Karen Ames
Phone:(315) 443-3022
Fax:(315) 443-5376
Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index