16 March: fyi -- social anthropology, US

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

National Science Foundation
Rotational Vacancy

ANNOUNCEMENT NO: E20060064-Rotator OPEN: 03/15/2006
CLOSE: 04/16/2006


The National Science Foundation is seeking a qualified candidate for a
position as Program Director in the Physical Anthropology program within
the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), Directorate for
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE), Arlington, VA The desired
starting date for this appointment is summer 2006.

BCS supports research to develop and advance scientific knowledge focusing
on human cognition, language, social behavior and culture, as well as
research on the interactions between human societies and the physical
environment. More information about BCS and their programs can be found on
their website at http://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=BCS

The Physical Anthropology program supports basic research in areas related
to human evolution and contemporary human biological variation. Research
areas supported by the program include, but are not limited to, human
genetic variation, human adaptation, human osteology and bone biology,
human and nonhuman primate paleontology, functional anatomy, and primate
socioecology. Grants supported in these areas are united by an underlying
evolutionary framework, and often a consideration of adaptation as a
central theoretical theme. Many proposals also have a biocultural
orientation. The program frequently serves as a bridge within the NSF
between the social and behavioral sciences and the natural and physical
sciences, and proposals are commonly jointly reviewed and funded with other

This position will be filled on a one or two year Visiting Scientist
Appointment, under the terms of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
or as a Federal Temporary Appointment. Temporary and Visiting Scientist
appointments will be made under the Excepted Authority of the NSF Act with
a current salary range of $91,407 to $142,449. For Federal temporary
appointments of more than one year, the usual civil service benefits
(retirement, health and life insurance) are applicable. For Visiting
Scientist appointments, individuals are in a non-pay leave status from
his/her home institution and are appointed to NSF\u2019s payroll as a Federal
employee. NSF withholds Social Security and provides reimbursement to the
home institution for fringe benefits. For IPA assignments, the individual
remains on the payroll of his/her home institution and the institution
continues to administer pay and benefits. NSF reimburses the institution
for NSF\u2019s negotiated share of the costs. Individuals eligible for an IPA
assignment include employees of State and local government agencies,
institutions of higher education, Indian tribal governments, federally
funded research and development centers and qualified nonprofit
organizations. The individual remains an employee of the home institution.
For more information regarding Visiting Scientist appointments or IPA
assignments, visit our website at http://www.nsf.gov//about/career_opps.

QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Applicants must possess a Ph.D. or equivalent
experience in a discipline related to social and behavioral sciences and
have an active research program in a related area. In addition, six or more
years of successful research, research administration, and/or managerial
experience pertinent to the program are required.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: As Program Director directs in the
implementation, review, funding, post-award management, and evaluation of
the program and contributes to the intellectual integration with other
programs supported by the Division. Designs and implements the proposal
review and evaluation process for relevant proposals. Selects well
qualified individuals to provide objective reviews on proposals either as
individuals or as members of a panel. Conducts final review of proposals
and evaluations, and recommends acceptance or declination. Manages and
monitors on-going grants, contracts, interagency and cooperative agreements
to ensure fulfillment of commitments to NSF. Evaluates progress of awards
through review and evaluation of reports and publications submitted by
awardees and/or meetings at NSF and during site visits. Contributes to the
responsibility for establishing goals and objectives, initiating new
program thrusts and phasing out old projects. Recommends new or revised
policies and plans in scientific, fiscal, and administrative matters to
improve the activities and management of the Program.

QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: In addition to the qualifications outlined above,
further qualifications desired include:
· Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and theories that
underlie the study of physical anthropology.
· Research, analytical and technical writing skills, which evidence the
ability to perform extensive inquiries into a wide variety of significant
issues and to make recommendations and decisions based on findings.
· Ability to organize, implement and manage large, multi-disciplinary,
broadly based, proposal driven grant programs allocating resources to meet
a broad spectrum of program goals.
· Ability to meet and deal with members of the scientific community,
other funding agencies and peers to effectively present and advocate
program policies and plans.
· Ability to work with individuals within the Cluster; both technical
and support staff.

HOW TO APPLY: Applications may be transmitted electronically to
rotator@nsf.gov. Individuals may also submit a resume or any application
of your choice to the National Science Foundation, Division of Human
Resource Management, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230, Attn:
E20060064-IPA. In addition, you are encouraged to submit a narrative
statement that addresses your background and/or experience related to the
Program you are applying for. You are asked to complete and submit the
attached Applicant Survey form. Submission of this form is voluntary and
will not affect your application for employment (the information is used
for statistical purposes). Telephone inquiries may be referred to the
Executive and Visiting Personnel Branch, at (703) 292-8755. For technical
information, contact Dr. Peg (Marguerite) Barratt, Division Director, at
(703) 292-8740 or mbarratt@nsf.gov. Hearing impaired individuals may call
TDD (703) 292-8044.

The National Science Foundation provides reasonable accommodations to
applicants with disabilities on a case-by-case basis. If you need a
reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring
process, please notify the point of contact listed on this vacancy

National Science Foundation
Rotational Vacancy

ANNOUNCEMENT NO: E20060064-Rotator OPEN: 03/15/2006
CLOSE: 04/16/2006


The National Science Foundation is seeking a qualified candidate for a
position as Program Director in the Physical Anthropology program within
the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), Directorate for
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE), Arlington, VA The desired
starting date for this appointment is summer 2006.

BCS supports research to develop and advance scientific knowledge focusing
on human cognition, language, social behavior and culture, as well as
research on the interactions between human societies and the physical
environment. More information about BCS and their programs can be found on
their website at http://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=BCS

The Physical Anthropology program supports basic research in areas related
to human evolution and contemporary human biological variation. Research
areas supported by the program include, but are not limited to, human
genetic variation, human adaptation, human osteology and bone biology,
human and nonhuman primate paleontology, functional anatomy, and primate
socioecology. Grants supported in these areas are united by an underlying
evolutionary framework, and often a consideration of adaptation as a
central theoretical theme. Many proposals also have a biocultural
orientation. The program frequently serves as a bridge within the NSF
between the social and behavioral sciences and the natural and physical
sciences, and proposals are commonly jointly reviewed and funded with other

This position will be filled on a one or two year Visiting Scientist
Appointment, under the terms of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
or as a Federal Temporary Appointment. Temporary and Visiting Scientist
appointments will be made under the Excepted Authority of the NSF Act with
a current salary range of $91,407 to $142,449. For Federal temporary
appointments of more than one year, the usual civil service benefits
(retirement, health and life insurance) are applicable. For Visiting
Scientist appointments, individuals are in a non-pay leave status from
his/her home institution and are appointed to NSF\u2019s payroll as a Federal
employee. NSF withholds Social Security and provides reimbursement to the
home institution for fringe benefits. For IPA assignments, the individual
remains on the payroll of his/her home institution and the institution
continues to administer pay and benefits. NSF reimburses the institution
for NSF\u2019s negotiated share of the costs. Individuals eligible for an IPA
assignment include employees of State and local government agencies,
institutions of higher education, Indian tribal governments, federally
funded research and development centers and qualified nonprofit
organizations. The individual remains an employee of the home institution.
For more information regarding Visiting Scientist appointments or IPA
assignments, visit our website at http://www.nsf.gov//about/career_opps.

QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Applicants must possess a Ph.D. or equivalent
experience in a discipline related to social and behavioral sciences and
have an active research program in a related area. In addition, six or more
years of successful research, research administration, and/or managerial
experience pertinent to the program are required.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: As Program Director directs in the
implementation, review, funding, post-award management, and evaluation of
the program and contributes to the intellectual integration with other
programs supported by the Division. Designs and implements the proposal
review and evaluation process for relevant proposals. Selects well
qualified individuals to provide objective reviews on proposals either as
individuals or as members of a panel. Conducts final review of proposals
and evaluations, and recommends acceptance or declination. Manages and
monitors on-going grants, contracts, interagency and cooperative agreements
to ensure fulfillment of commitments to NSF. Evaluates progress of awards
through review and evaluation of reports and publications submitted by
awardees and/or meetings at NSF and during site visits. Contributes to the
responsibility for establishing goals and objectives, initiating new
program thrusts and phasing out old projects. Recommends new or revised
policies and plans in scientific, fiscal, and administrative matters to
improve the activities and management of the Program.

QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: In addition to the qualifications outlined above,
further qualifications desired include:
· Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and theories that
underlie the study of physical anthropology.
· Research, analytical and technical writing skills, which evidence the
ability to perform extensive inquiries into a wide variety of significant
issues and to make recommendations and decisions based on findings.
· Ability to organize, implement and manage large, multi-disciplinary,
broadly based, proposal driven grant programs allocating resources to meet
a broad spectrum of program goals.
· Ability to meet and deal with members of the scientific community,
other funding agencies and peers to effectively present and advocate
program policies and plans.
· Ability to work with individuals within the Cluster; both technical
and support staff.

HOW TO APPLY: Applications may be transmitted electronically to
rotator@nsf.gov. Individuals may also submit a resume or any application
of your choice to the National Science Foundation, Division of Human
Resource Management, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230, Attn:
E20060064-IPA. In addition, you are encouraged to submit a narrative
statement that addresses your background and/or experience related to the
Program you are applying for. You are asked to complete and submit the
attached Applicant Survey form. Submission of this form is voluntary and
will not affect your application for employment (the information is used
for statistical purposes). Telephone inquiries may be referred to the
Executive and Visiting Personnel Branch, at (703) 292-8755. For technical
information, contact Dr. Peg (Marguerite) Barratt, Division Director, at
(703) 292-8740 or mbarratt@nsf.gov. Hearing impaired individuals may call
TDD (703) 292-8044.

The National Science Foundation provides reasonable accommodations to
applicants with disabilities on a case-by-case basis. If you need a
reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring
process, please notify the point of contact listed on this vacancy


Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index