20 March: fyi -- translation, Denmark
Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
Applications are invited for a position in English at associate professor level
at the Department of Business Communication and Information Science, University
of Southern Denmark. The position is located in Sønderborg/Flensborg and the
applicant is expected to start on 1 July 2006 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Applicants will have research experience in one or more of the following areas:
1) Language in the professions/business communication, 2) Intercultural
communication, 3) Pragmatics including interaction analysis, 4) Text linguistics
including multimodality, 5) Contrastive linguistics with emphasis on English as
target language.
Further information can be requested by contacting head of department Lotte
Weilgaard, phone +45 6550 1309, e-mail: lotte@sitkom.sdu.dk. For full
announcement see http://www.jobs.sdu.dk/vis_stilling.php?id=2529?=eng or
contact the Faculty of Humanities in Kolding, phone +45 6550 1305.
The closing date is: 1 May 2006 at 12.00 p.m.
Application marked: Position No. 066605
Address for Applications:
Laila Andersen
University of Southern Denmark
Faculty of Humanities
Engstien 1
DK-6000 Kolding
Application Deadline: 01-May-2006
Contact Information:
Head of Department Lotte Weilgaard
Email: lotte@sitkom.sdu.dk
Phone: +45 6550 1309
Website: http://www.humaniora.sdu.dk/institut.html?vis=5?=da
Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index