24 March: fyi -- PhD funding, Australia

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

PhD Scholarship in Language and Cognition

The Language and Cognition Research Centre, University of New England,
seeks candidates for a PhD scholarship in one of the following areas: •
The origins and evolution of language • Semantic and conceptual
analysis across languages • Cognitive processes in language acquisition
• Models of rationality • Moral and ethical concepts.

The Centre brings together researchers in psychology, linguistics,
archaeology and philosophy. Details of the Centre, and of the
cross-disciplinary supervision teams available for each of the research
areas, can be found at:


The scholarship is funded as a UNE Research Scholarship (UNERS) for
three years of full-time study. This year, the stipend stands at AU$
19,231. Relocation expenses will be subsidized (limited to the UNE

Applicants should have an Honours I or II (1) Bachelor or a research
Masters degree with a minimum 25% research/thesis component in a
relevant discipline, or

Send expressions of interest to Professor Brian Byrne at
Lang_Cog_Centre@une.edu.au. Include a cv, an outline of topics and/or
areas of interest, contact details of 2 referees, and any other
information that may be relevant.

For further information, contact Prof. Brian Byrne or Prof. Cliff
Goddard at Lang_Cog_Centre@une.edu.au.

Closing date: 1 May 2006

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index