28 March: fyi -- HPSG grammar development, France

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Our research group "Langue et Dialogue" has an opening for a
one-year post-doctoral researcher in the area of HPSG/LKB
grammar engineering. Specifically, we are looking for someone to
explore methods of making our existing French grammar more
robust, in order to aid development and to prepare the grammar
for eventual integration into larger systems.

Full details about the position are available on the website of
our research lab, Loria:


Click on the link "A Robust HPSG Grammar for French", which will
take you to the website of INRIA (the French National Institute
for Research in Computer Science), where you will also find more
details about the 2006 post-doc recruitment campaign. There are
several other NLP-related openings at the various INRIA
locations throughout France.

The site links to an interface for submitting applications

NOTE: The preliminary application deadline (March 31, 2006) will
be extended, and the indicated start date (May 1, 2006) will be
postponed. (The final deadline for applications will likely be
the end of April, and the positions typically begin in September
or October.) But anyone interested in applying should get in
touch with me as soon as possible.

Please spread the word if you know of any potential candidates.

Thank you!

Jesse Tseng

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index