31 March: fyi -- Deutsche Telekom, Berlin

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

collaboration with the Technical University of Berlin, has set up a
new corporate research and development center Deutsche Telekom
Laboratories in Germany's vibrant capital Berlin. The mission of
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories is to explore and develop new
information and communication technologies that lay the foundation of
Deutsche Telekom's future products and services.

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories comprise an application-oriented
Innovation Development Laboratory and a technology-oriented Strategic
Research Laboratory. As a joint venture between a company at the
cutting edge of information technology and a leading German research
university, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories offer an unprecedented
combination of academic freedom, practical focus, and the resources of
major corporation. Deutsche Telekom Laboratories are housed on the
main campus of the Technical University of Berlin with about 30,000
students and several research institutes working in various areas of
information and communication technology.

Our Strategic Research Laboratory Usability is being built up from
scratch, and we have several openings for highly qualified

Postdoctoral / Doctoral Research Scientists in the Broad Areas of
- Usability
- Human interface design
- Human factors
- Technology Management
- Innovation Research / Entrepreneurship
- Customer Behavior
- Business Science with focus on digital media and telecommunication

Successful applicants have recently completed or are interested in
pursuing doctoral degree studies, e.g., in interface design, cognitive
or applied psychology, sociology, communication sciences, business
science or similar areas all with focus on digital media and
telecommunication. They are enthusiastic about the unique opportunity
to conduct leading-edge research with immediate impact on the products
and services of a major telecommunication service provider. Some
technical background and the willingness to work in a highly
interdisciplinary team is a must.

Applications will be considered until April 14th, 2006. Outstanding
candidates will be invited to interview and speak at a symposium
together with other candidates on June 3rd 2006 in Berlin.

Application materials should include, in a single pdf file in this order, (a) cover letter,
(b) one-page statement of research objectives,
(c) curriculum vitae,
(d) list of publications, and
(e) contact information of at least three individuals who may serve as references.
Designers may include a portfolio as well.

Applications shall be submitted to the attention of Gesche Joost by
using email. Please state the respective discipline of your
application in the email header.

Gesche Joost
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
Email: laboratories.researchscientist@telekom.de

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index