6 March: fyi -- emotion, Sweden

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

Two postdoc positions in cognitive/emotional robotics are available
at the University of Skovde, Sweden.

These positions are part of a four-year European research project
on bio-inspired cognitive/emotional robotics (Jan 2006 - Dec 2009).
The primary aim of the ICEA project is to develop a cognitive systems
architecture integrating cognitive, emotional and bioregulatory (self-
maintenance) mechanisms, based on the architecture and physiology of
the mammalian brain.

The two postdoc positions are focused on developing robot/neural net
models of (1) the role of anticipation, representation and emotion in
agent-environment interaction, (2) the interaction between cognitive
and emotional mechanisms. The application deadlines are March 20 and
April 18, respectively.

For further information and detailed application instructions see:

* position 1 (deadline March 20):
- http://www.career.edu/index.php?post_id=1081
- http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida1.aspx?id=24698

* position 2 (deadline April 18):
- http://www.career.edu/index.php?post_id=1105
- http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida1.aspx?id=24811

Starting date (both cases): spring/summer 2006 (as soon as possible).

Informal inquiries can be directed to Tom Ziemke (tom.ziemke@his.se).

Index of March 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index