10 April: fyi -- a second post-doctoral research position, TCD

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University of Dublin, Trinity College
Post Title: Research Fellow
Status: 3 year contract
Dept/Faculty: School of Computer Science & Statistics
Closing Date: Until Position is filled
Salary: 32,358 - 38,526 per annum

You will work on the extraction of `sentiment' bearing sentences
from continuous news streams. The impact of news on shares, currencies
and other financial instruments is discussed under the umbrella of
news impact analysis in econometrics and sentiment analysis in
behavioral finance. `Sentiment' extraction requires the
development of algorithms that are informed by methods of information
extraction, corpus linguistics and by local grammar formalism. This
information is needed particularly by the financial services industry,
political and cultural analysts, and by public at large.

Your role will be to develop and implement algorithms that will
facilitate sentiment analysis. You will test the usefulness of the
algorithms by building computing systems for analyzing real world news
streams as provided by news agencies across the world. You will
interface your system to a time-series analysis system that analyses
the behaviour of financial markets purely on the basis of numerical
information. Your work will clarify research questions in the emerging
multi-disciplinary field of sentiment analysis. The clarified research
questions will help in the systematic development of information
extraction systems which will be at the heart of the so-called
semantic web.

You will have a PhD or equivalent in computing or cognitive
sciences. You will have a strong background in information extraction
techniques; expertise in corpus analysis is desirable. An
understanding of the statistical analysis of time series will be an
advantage. The appointment will be for a fixed period of three years.

Candidates should submit a full curriculum vitae, to include the names
of three referees, to:

Prof. Khurshid Ahmad
Professor of Computer Science
School of Computer Science & Statistics
Trinity College
Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 608 8429

We welcome applications by e-mail. Please note there is no application
form to be completed.


Index of April 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index