4 April: fyi -- research, Manchester

Index of April 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

A Research Assistant is required for 30 months for the EPSRC funded
ADVISES (ADaptive VISualisation for E-Science collaboration)
project. The project is concerned with developing an advanced
sublanguage-based user interface and results visualisation for
e-science collaboration in Health Informatics. The RA in Human
Computer Interaction will conduct requirements analysis, specify,
design and implement a set of collaborative tools that allow
scientists to carry out scientific analyses that fit with their needs
and present the results as interactive visualisations.

The successful candidate will work closely with 3 major centres: The
Northwest Institute for Bio-Health Informatics (www.nibhi.man.ac.uk),
the National Centre for e-Social Science (www.ncess,ac,uk) and the
National Centre for Text Mining (www.nactem.ac.uk).


Applicants should have a good first degree (minimum UK 2:1 or foreign
equivalent) in Psychology, Linguistics, Computer Science or another
discipline relevant to the job description, and preferably a PhD, and
research experience in one or more of human computer interaction,
visualisation, requirements engineering, health informatics, e-science
GRID software development. The job skills include requirements
analysis for the e-science applications, including sublanguage
analysis of the research questions, methods, procedures and discussion
in health Informatics, in particular, epidemiology research. A range
of empirical study skills including ethnography, discourse analysis,
usability and contextual evaluation are desirable.

Location: School of Informatics, University of Manchester, UK

Closing date: 27/04/06

Full details at: http://www.man.ac.uk/news/vacancies/research.html#HUM052

A second post associated with this project is available, which emphasises more
software development and integration, see:

John McNaught
Associate Director
National Centre for Text Mining

School of Informatics
University of Manchester mail: John.McNaught@manchester.ac.uk
PO Box 88
Sackville Street tel: +44.161.306.3098
Manchester fax: +44.161.306.1281
M60 1QD web: www.nactem.ac.uk
UK www.informatics.manchester.ac.uk

Index of April 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index