1 May: fyi -- clinical applications, UK

Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

Job Title: Research Associate
Employer Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Department Medical Physics
Location Barnsley, S. Yorks, UK
Salary 20,458-30,247 pa (Band 6)
Hours per Week 37.5
Job Type Fixed term
Closing Date 19th May 2006

The post holder will work within a team of engineers, clinicians and
researchers, in Sheffield University and Barnsley District General Hospital, who
will design, develop and test a voice-input voice output communication aid

The successful candidate will specifically contribute to the development and
evaluation of the speech recognition component of this device. Particular
attention will need to be paid to the development of adaptive techniques to
compensate for the varying speech of the intended client group.

You should have a degree in first or higher in computing, engineering or
physics (or equivalent).

The post holder should be a competent programmer comfortable with Object
Oriented Programming and have 2 years experience of speech technology,
pattern recognition or machine learning and have good communication skills.

If you require further information please contact Mark Hawley, Head of
Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, BDGH, Mark.Hawley@bhnft.nhs.ukon,
+44 1226 777726.

Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index