11 May: fyi -- phd funding, Belgium
Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
The Computational Web Intelligence Team at Ghent University (Belgium)
is recruiting
a full time researcher (PhD student)
to work on the multidisciplinary AutoWeb project
"Towards a Semantic Web of Autodidactic Agents"
to be conducted in Ghent (Belgium) and starting October 1, 2006.
The Autoweb project is jointly hosted by the Computational Web
Intelligence Team at Ghent University and the Laboratory for Automatic
Information Retrieval at Hogeschool Gent, School of Translation
Studies. The goal of the project is to endow web agents with the
reasoning capability that allows them to maintain their ontology: the
web agents will continuously question the knowledge contained in the
ontology and compare this knowledge with answers retrieved from the
semantic web. There is a special focus on the agents' skills to deduce
implicit knowledge, give explanations, and trust or distrust various
Applicants should:
- hold an M.Sc. degree in an area strongly related to Computer Science or
Computational Linguistics (students in their final year can also apply)
- have a strong aptitude for research
- be fluent in English
Knowledge of Semantic Web technologies serves as an advantage.
We offer:
- a young, dynamic and stimulating work environment
- an appointment as a doctoral grantee, i.e. a full-time PhD position for 2
years, renewable up to 4 years
- the opportunity to present results at important international conferences
- starting date: October 1, 2006
Applicants should submit the following documents to Prof. Dr. Martine De
Cock (via e-mail Martine.DeCock@UGent.be) by June 30, 2006:
- their CV
- a brief statement why they want to do research in the area of the semantic
web (max. 1 page)
Prof. Dr. Martine De Cock
Computational Web Intelligence
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281 (S9), tel. : +32 (0)9/264.47.70
B-9000 Gent (Belgium) fax. : +32 (0)9/264.49.95
Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index