15 May: fyi -- 2 phd positions, UCD

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Meta-grammars and Grammatical Evolution for Dynamic Environments

2 PhD studentships available starting 1 Sep 2006

The UCD Natural Computing Research & Applications Group (http://ncra.ucd.ie)
currently has funding for two PhD studentships for the above project under
the supervision of Dr. Michael O'Neill and Dr. Anthony Brabazon.

The studentships are funded by Science Foundation Ireland (http://www.sfi.ie)
for three years, and they include a tax-free bursary and full payment of fees
for EU applicants. The project commences 1 September 2006.

The successful candidate will have obtained, or will expect to obtain,
a 1st or 2.1 Honours degree in a related discipline (e.g. Computer
Science, Business, Computational Finance, Natural Computing,
Bioinformatics). Prior programming experience is
essential. Applications from students who have, or will expect to
obtain a taught or research Masters in a related discipline are
particularly welcome.

Meta-Grammars are proposed as a novel approach to improve the
evolvability of the grammar-based Genetic Programming approach of
Grammatical Evolution. This will allow Grammatical Evolution to be
more effectively applied to non-stationary (dynamic) problem domains
such as those found in bioinformatics (e.g, time-series of gene
expression analysis produced from technologies such as microarrays and
massively parallel signature sequencing), telecommunications (e.g,
call routing), and financial modelling (e.g, risk-management systems).

The Natural Computing Research & Applications Group (NCRA) is located
in University College Dublin, and is an interdiscplinary group located
in the School of Computer Science & Informatics and the School of
Business. Natural Computing is the study of computational systems
inspired by Nature, including Physical, Social and Biological
Systems. As well developing computational models, the UCD NCRA has a
strong tradition of applying these models to a broad range of problem
domains ranging from Computer Science and Finance to Bioinformatics
and Engineering.

Candidates should forward a copy of their CV along with an application
form (available from
and the names of two referees to Dr. Michael O'Neill (contact details
below). The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 16th June

Dr. Michael O'Neill
Natural Computing Research & Applications
School of Computer Science & Informatics
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4

Email: m.oneill@ucd.ie
Tel: +353 1 716 2906

Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index