4 May: fyi -- phd funding, Trinity College Dublin

Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

2 Phd Research Positions in Automatic Text Classification.

The Science Foundation Ireland Research Frontiers Programme has
provided funding for two three year PhD research positions for a
project in extending existing implementations and developing and
testing new techniques for text classification. The research is to
include accompanying experimentation to quantify the reliability and
validity of the techniques given a range of corpus types. Application
problems may include authorship identification, spam filtering, fraud
detection, estimation of semantic similarity and dissimilarity across
texts, among other possibilities.

The research is to be conducted within the Computational Linguistics
Group in the Intelligent Systems Cluster of the School of Computer
Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, under the
supervision of Carl Vogel.

(see http://www.cs.tcd.ie/research_groups/clg)

Candidates should possess undergraduate honors in computational
linguistics, cognitive science, computer science, statistics or
another closely related discipline. Applicants with strong
alternative undergraduate qualifications but significant relevant
postgraduate experience will also be considered. Successful
applicants will contribute to the research project and to the
intellectual life of the Dublin research community.

The research stipend will be c.22,000 euro per annum (inclusive of
College fees c. 4.3K for EU applicants 9.3K for non-EU candidates; see
the college website given below for exact figures). The project will
commence on September 1, 2006.

Applicants must satisfy the general graduate studies entry
requirements of Trinity College Dublin. Application forms and
information about TCD is available here:

Informal inquiries can be made to Carl Vogel via email: vogel@tcd.ie

Applications received before June 15, 2006 will receive fullest

Dr. Carl Vogel
Centre for Computing and Language Studies
Department of Computer Science
Trinity College Dublin

Index of May 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index