2 June: fyi -- internship/phd funding, Trento

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We are looking for top students who have, or will soon have, a degree
in computer science or strongly related areas. These students should
be interested in pursuing their career by doing a PhD within a
leading, internationally recognized, group. The candidates will be
required to start with an internship period of 6-8 months during which
they will have to complete the first assignment. Successful candidates
will be invited to apply for the PhD program in information and
telecommunication technology at the University of Trento
(http://ict.unitn.it ) and to work on a leading
edge research topic.

The first assignment and the PhD topic will be both within the scope
of the KnowDive project (http://dit.unitn.it/~knowdive). The project
aims at creating new technologies and tools for managing (personal)
knowledge and for its seamless integration into the global
infrastructure of the emerging Web 2.0. Some key phrases which
characterize the project are: (Semantic) Web, faceted metadata search
and navigation, semantic matching, classifications and thesauri,
lightweight ontologies, peer-to-peer systems, social networks.

Candidates should have profound Java programming experience, good
knowledge of database technology, web technologies and languages
(e.g., HTTP, (D)HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, XUL). Knowledge in one (or
several) of the following areas is a plus:

- Faceted metadata search and navigation;
- Document indexing and keywords-based search technology (e.g., Lucene);
- Web browser development (Firefox development is a plus);
- Peer-to-peer technology (e.g., JXTA);
- Content management systems;
- Security in distributed content management systems;
- Wordnet;
- Usability studies and practical experience with solving usability-related
- Natural language processing techniques;
- Named entity recognition techniques;
- Text mining techniques.

Salaries are competitive.

Interested students can send their CV and statement of interest to:

Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia
University of Trento, Italy
Department of Information and Communication Technology
Web: http://dit.unitn.it/~fausto/
E-mail: fausto@dit.unitn.it

More details about internships: http://dit.unitn.it/~knowdive/inter.htm

Index of June 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index