13 July: fyi -- phd funding, UK

Index of July 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index


Natural Language Generation Group
Computing Department & Centre for Research in Computing
The Open University, UK

Available from October 2006

We are offering a PhD studentship in the area of Natural Language
Generation for a highly motivated researcher interested in pursuing a
full-time 3-year doctorate. We are particularly interested in someone
to work on aspects of Dialogue, Question Answering, Conceptual
Authoring, applied to the area of medical health records. The PhD
project will be associated with the Natural Language Generation Group
(http://mcs.open.ac.uk/nlg) and will be closely related to the CLEF
project (http://mcs.open.ac.uk/clef). It will be supervised by either
Donia Scott or Richard Power, most probably in collaboration with Paul
Piwek or Catalina Hallett.

Applicants should have a strong background in Computer Science or
Computational Linguistics, and must have equivalent qualifications of a
first or upper second class honours degree. Research experience in
human-computer-interaction, information retrieval or database access
would be an advantage.


The studentships will start in October 2006. Applicants are welcome to
send their CVs to the prospective project supervisors by emailing

Formal applications should comprise a CV and a research proposal (max 2
pages of A4) outlining your research interests, together with an
application form, available from
Applications should be submitted by 6th August 2006 to:

Additional Information:

The Department of Computing (http://computing.open.ac.uk
) is home to internationally recognised
researchers in natural language processing, human computer interaction,
cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and requirements
engineering. We offer students an intellectually challenging
environment with excellent research and computer facilities. You will
be joining a dynamic PhD programme with about 40 other students in
Computing, plus peers in the Knowledge Media Institute and Institute of
Educational Technology who together make up the OU's Centre for
Research in Computing (http://crc.open.ac.uk/).

The Computing Department sees PhD students as critical to its mission,
and awards studentships (£12,300/year for 2006/07), with no additional
fees, compulsory examinations or teaching required. Participation is
required in CRC PhD events and thesis milestones. Additional training
courses to develop your generic research skills are run across the OU,
attendance at which is agreed with your supervisor.

The Open University (http://www.open.ac.uk )
is the UK's only distance learning university with a dedicated mission
for excellence in teaching and research. PhD programmes are
residential, however, and the student would carry out their research at
the Computing Department in the Open University's central Milton Keynes
campus. The University operates a equal opportunity policy.

Milton Keynes (http://www.mkweb.co.uk/) is located in the triangle of
Cambridge, Oxford and London. It is one of the fastest growing cities
in the country. It has excellent transport links and a fast train link
into London Euston (35 minutes).

Index of July 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index