17 July: fyi -- postgraduate funding, Portugal

Index of July 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

The Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra,
Portugal ( http://www.dei.uc.pt) has created a new
PhD Program in Information Science and Technology, with the duration of
three years, including a first year where the student must complete a set
four courses and write a thesis proposal. The initial courses and the
proposal will grant the student 60 ECTS.
After that, research work will be carried out in one of the nine groups of
the research centre hosted at the department (
http://cisuc.dei.uc.pt) under the supervision of a Department member in
order to write the Doctoral dissertation. The Department is offering 9 PhD
scholarships for the year 2006/2007 for top students that join the
program. This includes a monthly allowance of ???980, plus security
and tuition. Students which are granted scholarships are expected to
6 hours of weekly teaching assistance at the undergraduate level. The
scholarships are non-renewable but further funding may be available for
outperforming students, either from on-going projects or directly from the
Portuguese government.

- Dependable Systems

- Computer Science

- Artificial Intelligence: Foundations and Applications

- Simulation and Information Technologies in Education and Training

- Adaptive Computation

- Communications and Telematics

- Databases

- Information Systems

- Evolutionary and Complex Systems

In this context, 63 specific research topics have been proposed, as
described in


Application dates:

First phase: 3rd July until 21st July

Second phase: 1st September until 11th September

For more information refer to:



Or write to: info-phd@dei.uc.pt

Diana Vieira
Centro de Informática e Sistemas
da Universidade de Coimbra
Gabinete de Apoio ao CISUC (D 1.12)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática

Index of July 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index