17 July: fyi -- phd funding, Trinity College Dublin

Index of July 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index

Ph.D. studentship in Knowledge Representation and Data Mining of
audiovisual recordings of multidisciplinary medical team meetings.

Applications are invited for a research studentship in the Department
of Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin, to undertake
Ph.D. research in the area of Artificial Intelligence with
application in Health Informatics. The successful applicant will
develop an audio capture and segmentation system and mobile
prototypes to be integrated into a teleconferencing system.

The research will be done in collaboration with members of the ECOMMET
(Enhanced COmputing support for Multidisciplinary MEdical Team
meetings) project. The studentship will be supported by a Research
Frontiers grant from Science Foundation Ireland, starting in September
2006 for 3 years. The studentship carries a stipend of approx. Euro
22,050 per annum, including fees.

Applicants should have a good honours primary degree or Master's
degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related area.

Please apply by email to luzs@cs.tcd.ie including a curriculum vitae,
in PDF or plain text format, giving full details of qualifications and
experience, together with the names of two referees. Please write
"ECOMMET studentship" on the Subject line. Candidates will be
contacted early in August. Applications will be accepted until the
position is filled.

Lucy Hederman Lucy.Hederman@cs.tcd.ie

School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2 Tel:+353-1-8962245
Ireland Fax:+353-1-6772204

Index of July 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index