10 August: fyi -- Post-Doc, Stuttgart
Index of August 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index
Within the SFB 732 (Incremental Specification in Context) there is a
vacancy for the following position. (N.B. this position has not been
previously advertised!)
1. Full position BAT IIa. The position is shared between project B4
(Lexikalische Information und ihre Entfaltung im Kontext von Wortbildung,
Satz und Diskurs/Lexical Information and its Unfolding within the Context
of Word formation, Sentence and Discourse, directed by H. Kamp & A
Roßdeutscher) and project D1 (Representation of Ambiguities and their
resolution in Context, directed by U. Reyle.)
Tasks: Development of algorithms for the construction of underspecified
semantic representations from underspecified syntactic analyses and for the
reduction/elimination of semantic underspecification on the basis of
contextual information.
Requirements: A solid knowledge of formal semantics and logic; first-hand
experience with computational methods of semantic representation and
theorem proving. Desirable: Knowledge of Discourse Representation Theory.
Formal requirement: PhD
Address for Applications:
Prof. Dr. Hans Kamp
Institut fuer Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Universitaet Stuttgart
Azenbergstr. 12
Stuttgart 70174
Email: hans@ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Application Deadline: (Open until filled)
Index of August 2006 | Index of year: 2006 | Full index